Building Technology 4


The intent of this studio was to select a existing building in a problematic area; Where the site itself being an issue according to climate, terrain… Then I had to find the best solution to the existing problematic area.

Many areas, if not all, face many pollution problems. These come in many forms such as air, land, light, noise, thermal, visual, and water pollution.


The building chosen is a Church located in Byblos Lebanon, directly on the seashore. The church walls are filled with mold and the exterior walls are also damaged by the constant waves crashing onto it. Humidity levels reach very high levels during summer and still are somewhat present during winter, in addition to the constant hitting to the waves on the church walls.


The proposed solution for this building is a double skin face:

The orientation of the building is along the north-south axis, giving a clear east, and west elevation, providing for maximum constant daylight to the buildings in the morning and afternoon, opening the site to the surrounding views.


In addition, adding the double skin facade allows for natural ventilation and decreases heat inside the building. There are solar panels that follow the suns movement to optimize the consumption of energy.

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